Friday, July 31, 2009

A bun in the oven ...

That would be me.

But in the typical fashion that is my life, its not going well. My progesterone is really low (you need that to make the baby stick until the placenta takes over at 12 weeks). I had one incident of spotting but that is all. I am on some lovely supplements three times a day that make me want to rip off everyone's head while I gnaw on their exposed spinal column (really, it is that bad). And apparently my hCG levels aren't increasing as rapidly as the OB would like them. (If my body won't cooperate with me, why'd she think it would for her?) So at this point two things could happen: I will miscarry or I will go on to have a normal -- well normal for me -- pregnancy. I'd much prefer the latter.

If you have some time, could you send up some positive thoughts, prayers and wishes for me and the bean?


Danz said...

I've been checking to see when you would post this :) I am praying for a sticky bean for you!

~*Michelle*~ said...

always in my prayers Jen....May you feel God's arms holding you tight during this time...and always.


Anonymous said...

I knew you were pregnant! That's what happens when you harass other people about getting pregnant all the time! Man, why can't you live in Murfreesboro again??? As sad as I am that I won't be there to annoy you guys at the hospital, I am also very excited for you and I will be praying so hard for you, for a full-term, healthy baby, and for the safety of all those around you and those who might be walking around with gnawed spinal columns.

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