Thursday, October 30, 2008

One is the loneliest number ...

As a parent of a special needs child, I often find myself feeling like I am the ONLY one going through a struggle. I think its a common feeling amongst people but its magnified for parents of special needs kids -- whatever the special need may be. So I often find comfort when I hear about or talk to other parents going through their own issues. It might not be the same as ours, but there's comfort in the commonality.

Today we had behavior assessment plan meeting as an addendum to Jacob's IEP. I think it went well. Nothing earth shattering. We firmed up our plan of action within the classroom to make school successful for him. We are hoping to get the teachers an aide to help Jacob especially in the mornings when he seems most agitated or anxious.

Near the end of the meeting, two of the attendees had to leave to attend another IEP meeting. I found comfort in knowing its not just us going through the process. I mean I know its not just us but sometimes the concrete reminders are nice. We spent so much of last year feeling isolated in a struggle against his former school in Kentucky.


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